Sunday, May 6, 2012

Caedmon the "World Changer"

When I was 8 months pregnant, someone very close to me prayed over me and said while he was praying he just heard "world changer".  Right away I was really encouraged and began to ponder what that meant.  What was Caedmon going to do when he grew up to be a world changer?  How awesome and how blessed was I to be the one to carry this blessing and raise him to be a world changer?  My life was the first one that he changed.  Caedmon has changed so many things about my life.  He began to do so before he even entered the world.  It started right after I found out I was pregnant.   It's so amazing to me to see how much God can do through one life in just 14 months.  (10 months of pregnancy + 4 months out of the womb)

Lesson 1:  My life is not going to happen according to my plan and I shouldn't even want it to because His plan is so much better.  

This was one of the hardest lessons to learn.  I like to think about things and daydream about the future and when each thing is going to happen.  I do not like to plan down to the minute, day, or even week but long term plans I am ok with.   At the time when I realized I was pregnant, I was in school full-time, planning to continue and finish in a year.  I was still praying about whether I was going to go right into the master's program for Social Work.  I was about to quit my job nannying and go into my field placement for the summer.  We had just signed a lease with a roommate to move to Church Hill three days before.  All of these things were about to be affected by the news "I'm pregnant".  

Isaiah 55:8-9 
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. 

Lesson 2:   God loves us and adores us as his children.  

I never realized how much I took sleep for granted until 3 days after Caedmon was born.  I think the longest I slept after he was born was 2 and a half hours and that was in the hospital the night he was born.  The nurse came in and strongly advised that I set an alarm so that I would not sleep that long again since I was supposed to feed Caedmon every 2 hours.  Waking up when the alarm went off after sleeping for only 45 minutes between each feeding was brutal but it was in that time that I realized how much God really loved me.  

In my willingness to get up and care for Caedmon with no sleep and every bodily fluid possible coming out on me, I realized how much God is willing to care for us and clean up our messes.  He is always there, always willing to talk, listen, and  wrap us in his presence.  He provides for our every need.  He cares for us so much that he was willing to send His son to die for us.  Even in our selfishness and sometimes not giving anything back, He loves us.   

1 John 4 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

Lesson 3:  I was meant to be a mommy.  

I love being a mom.  I love turning to see Caedmon's smiling face because he sees me.  I love that I am the one that gets to comfort him when he is over stimulated, tired, hungry, or just wants me.  It melts my heart every time he falls asleep with me.  It is my most favorite job I've ever had.  I'm not saying, it's not hard sometimes or I sometimes can't wait to be able to put him to bed for some down time but I would much rather have him than all the down time in the world.  I am so thankful that God blessed us with him.  He really is a world changer and he doesn't even know it yet.  

I really feel that I kind of know how Mary felt when she sang this song.  
Luke 1:46-49  " My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.  From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me- holy is his name."

Lesson 4: How to really love my husband

It was amazing how getting pregnant changed our relationship for the best.  Not that our marriage was bad before but just that it was amazing after.  I love these two SOOOOO much.  Thank you God for blessing me with them.  

My loves :-)

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